Martin Lampacher

Freelance Embedded Engineer

Born and raised in South Tyrol (Italy) after finishing high-school I moved to Vienna (Austria) to study Computer Engineering. After my studies I decided to stay and work in Vienna, where I remained for almost 10 years in total, a period only interrupted by a gap year traveling through Latin America in 2015. The lack of (real) mountains in the near vicinity of Vienna finally lured me back to South Tyrol.


  • German - native language
  • English - full professional proficiency
  • Italian - working proficiency
  • Spanish - elementary skills
  • Lithuanian - work in progress

Since I had the opportunity to work but also make friends with people from all over the world, my strongest languages are German and English. I've written technical documentation in both languages but prefer English for professional use. Both, my Italian and Spanish should be good enough for communication but would need more efforts to be sufficient for written use in a professional environment.

Learning languages is something I very much enjoy doing. Give me the opportunity to learn and use a language and I will happily do so.


Traveling - seeing new places but also visiting known ones - is one of my biggest and most time-consuming hobbies; best paired with a nice and long motorcycle ride. Hand in hand with traveling come my interests in photography and languages.

Some of my trips may even have included moderate amounts of sports, but really only the ones that you don't have to get up early for: Climbing and mountaineering certainly account for longer periods, whereas the occasional run, bicycle ride or swimming session keep me busy during the week. The lack of motivation for outdoor activities in the cold winter time has forced me to also eyeball snowy slopes nearby, some skiing is planned for the winters to come.


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